Saturday, January 26, 2013

To take each day as it comes

First of all - thank you for all your kind wishes. My DH does not read my blog, but he did read your comments and he was touched. I guess he didn't even imagine how many kind readers his wife has.

I learned some new things in the last few days.

Creatinine is the most specific test for kidney disease. When creatinine is elevated above the normal range (usually 141 µmol/L), this generally means that there is a problem with the kidneys.

Early Renal Insufficiency: In general, creatinine values up to around 177 µmol/L
Moderate Kidney Disease: Values from 177 to 442 µmol/L
Severe Kidney Failure: Values above 442 µmol/L

Wolf's values were 850  µmol/L three days ago and after the treatment 700  µmol/L.

Those tests reminded me on the times when I was on a crazy IVF-roller coaster. When I had tons of different tests. How I always hoped for a miracle to happen, but it never did.

The vet said that based only on tests (without seeing the dog) he would recommend euthanasia. But looking at the dog, he still sees joy and willingness to live. And he has good appetite, which is good. We decided to continue the treatment. The vet said that there is still a hope for him.

I spent the afternoon cuddling him, sitting with him and reading. It was lovely to be with him.

We decided to take each day as it comes. To enjoy every moment with him that we can.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

My beloved Wolf, please get well, I need you!

It seems like yesterday, when we brought a little, 2-month-old puppy home.
The wolf was always healthy, only the last week he wasn't feeling well.
DH took him to vet, they made lots of tests yesterday.
Today we got back the results.
Renal failure.
My sadness can not be expressed by any words.
The vet prescribed him three days of treatment.
After three days they will be able to tell us whether his condition is curable.
Can't write any more, I am crying too much.
I just can not imagine my life without my beloved Wolf.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Post for Wolfers - meet my Wolf

dear Wolfers,
thank you for your kind comment.

Here is my beloved Wolf:

I finished earlier at work today, so I took him for a long walk. It was magical.
Lots and lots of snow and a beautiful forrest.

Clever little girl

Not many families with children visit us.
There is one couple of friends that regularly visit us, always together with their 7-year-old daughter. She draws us a drawing each time when they visit us. Drawings have always the same motive: there is a sun, me, my DH and our Wolf. I am keeping the best of her drawings since she was 4.

Not long ago they visited us and it was really nice. To be frank, we don't really feel comfortable with families, but with this one we do. It comes so naturally- they have a child. We don't. No big deal. 

I showed for the first time all the drawings that I kept during last years and the little girl was thrilled to see them.

My friend (her Mum) looked at the oldest drawing and she commented: "Oh, it is lovely. What is here. I see the Sun, I see Klara, I see Klara's husband and what is here - oh yes, this is a brown baby stroller."

The little one was angry and she said: "Mum, can't you see? It is the Wolf!!!"

I could hug the little one. She is so clever. She knows exactly what belongs to a picture of our life.
Yes, our beloved Wolf.

(by the way: yes, I still wish we could have a daughter as perfect as this little girl. Not all dreams come true, it is just the fact of live. And I am OK with that. At least most of the time.)

Monday, January 14, 2013

Feeling sad

I visited my brother's family yesterday. I love my nieces. But I try to limit the family visits as much as possible. Reason?
I really can not stand my brother who always addresses his wife as "mommy" even when the kids are not around. How can we have normal conversation?

I am OK with being childless, at least most of the time. But I am not OK with different social situations when I am constantly reminded of what I am missing.

I just finished reading the last book of Grey trilogy. It was OK, I quite liked it. Although description of making love described by pregnant woman... was hard limit for me. I feel sad after reading those pages.

Vanilla Early Grey tea & Nutella will help lift my spirit!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Fake friends & how lucky I am to have the Wolf

I wrote many e-greeting cards for New Year to my friends, ex-coworkers, ex-infertile friends. I got many nice wishes back.

One of ex-childless friend (she is a mom now to an adopted son from abroad) who lives only few kilometers from my home wrote me back that she misses me and that she would love to meet me again (this is one of friends that was part of my support group through IVF treatments).

I responded (naively) that I would love to see her as well and then I wrote down all dates in January where I am available (basically all days except 3 days).

And the respond was that January will be so full of activities in local kindergarten and besides that her little sunshine has birthday, so she will be without any available time (=just a note: I work full time and she took some years off work). So perhaps she would have time for me in February.

Am I meeting her in February? Definitely not! In March? Definitely not!
I prefer to be alone or spend time with my beloved Wolf.

I am taking the Wolf for a really long walk  (approx. 14 - 17 kilometers) now.
The Wolf has ALWAYS time for me :)

Friday, January 4, 2013

A secret

Have you read my description:

I am a 40-something European woman doing what I once thought wasn't possible: finding happiness after infertility. While it's been a long, difficult and emotional journey (10 unsuccessful IVF treatments), each day I take another step down the path toward a fulfilling new life. This is my story of reinvention.

Everything there is true except one thing: I am not 40 yet. I will be in few months. ***
I don't want to hurt anyone who is over 40 and still TTC.... but for me personally, 40 is the limit for having a child.

So I guess this year will be quite hard for me.

***I wrote it like this since I knew it would be painful for me to change it from: almost 40 to 40-something... I like to make things easier.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Not healed yet

I just returned from a local library. Since having a tiny apartment, I don't like to buy books (exception: books in English, since I can not borrow them), I prefer to get them from library.

On another corner of library I saw an ex-colleague (we dated two brothers almost two decades ago). I haven't seen her for quite some years. And today - there she was, exactly 9 months pregnant (my guess).

What I did? I pretended not to see her, I quickly took books and just left.

So - yes - I know. I am not healed yet.

This is the way of  handling things. I prefer to avoid awkward small talk. In my language,  a very common greeting is: "So, how are you, any news?"

What could I respond to that? No, no news.


Overweight fat woman on the weight scale Stock Photo - 11259411

For the last few years I never watched my weight since it was only important to survive all failed IVFs.  I am not fat. But I really hate the fact that I can not zip beloved jeans from the year 2009. I hate all the fat on my belly.

Today is beautiful date: 3.1.13.  So here is my New Year's Resolution:
  • I will eat more vegetables and fruits.
  • Limit  sugar intake.
  • Do more sport.
  • Start with pushups & excersises for arms.
  • Write a dairy of eaten food & sports... great way to analyze.
Today's weight: 71.6 kg.
Wish weight: 64.0 kg.  (I had that many kilogrames for my Honeymoon and felt great. Well, not only because of my kilogrames :)

I know that most of New Year's Resolutions don't work. But, is there any harm in trying?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all my bloggie friends!

I am already back from 2-day-holiday in  Zagreb, a capital of Croatia. It was nice to discover a new city. We waited for New Year on open air celebration in the main square of the city.

And... now I am off to work, after a long holiday.